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New Year, New Styled by Fanci

Between the end of the year and the first two weeks of the new year, we all tend to take time out to reflect, re-create, repeat and/ or remove items from our goal list. Everyone’s goals are different but similar in some way. We all want better health and toned bodies, we all crave financial stability and security for the future. But what about the not so obvious goals such as getting more sleep, allowing yourself to be more spontaneous, having some good ol’ fashion fun or spending more time with family.

This year I’ll be 30 and I am so overly excited. I feel 30 is the new 20. I know who I am, what I want, what I am seeking for the future and I don’t have to look to anyone for re-assurance that I am doing the right thing. Where you are in your life is a testament to what you may have been through and how strong yet determined you are for growth. This year, 2016, is all about growth.

Styled by Fanci is the business, I am Antoinette. A woman who wears many hats, gives extremely tough love, calculated, lover of love, business oriented and God fearing. As stated above I am beyond excited for 2016. It is a common thought but I feel this year is my year. Last year I “started” (not really but yes….), made mistakes, learned from my mistakes, built lasting genuine relationships and dismantled other non productive relationships, researched, researched some more, challenged my thought process, did better and repeat (some aspects). I plan on carrying this into 2016 with a new mindset. My New Year’s resolution is going to not only make my parents proud but will set my future.

As my father stated, don’t create a New Year’s resolution list. Instead assess the journey of 2015, continue the journey into 2016 with some changes and make a list daily of what needs to be done. No, I am not going to reveal my list to the world but in 2016 you will see what benefit of the blood, sweat and tears of 2015. In the mean time you will see some changes to Styled by Fanci (personally and business wise). I hope you are ready because I know I am!!

Xoxo Antoinette / Styled by Fanci

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